Siyakhula Graduation

Siyakhula Pre-School Graduation



Siyakhula Graduation was at Tonga District Hospital hall for Siyakhula Graduates 2015, organized by Mrs Malangwane the head of a Creche and we offered sound entertainment for the event, Photo shooting and video shooting for the event.

This Graduation was at Tonga District Hospital wall on 26 November 2016. It was organized by MRS Malangwane the head and the founder of Siyakhula Pre-School Creche and we offered sound Entertainment for the event, Photo shooting and video shooting for the event.

This graduation was proudly organized for Siyakhula pre-School creche by Mrs Malangwane. which was at Tonga District hospital wall (Nkomazi Region) on 26 November 2017. We supplied them with sound equipment for entertainment.

[ English ]

It was a great day for the children of Siyakhula Pre-School, they received they certificates which they have been waiting for after a long time they started learning /attending at Siyakhula Pre-School under Mrs Malangwane, who is the head and founder of Siyakhula Pre-School. She is talented in such a way she start teaching younger children’s at the earlier age until they  have  5 years old and old enough to go to Grade 1.This is a best creche i ever seen at Tonga ( Nkomazi region ). They teach them how to write and speak poems.

[ Siswati ]

Bekulusuku lelikhulu futsi lubalulekile lebantfwana baseSiyakhula Pre – School, Kulusuku lokwamukeliswa kwetitifiketi tabo leto bebatilindzele ngemehlo labovu ngemuva kwesikhatsi lesidze bacala kufundza kulenkulisa yase- Siyakhula Pre-School ngaphansi kwesandla saMake Malangwane umphatsi nkulisa lophindze abe ngumsunguli walenkulisa endzaweni yaseTonga. Ungumake, thishela kati andlule abe ngumphatsi walabantfwana lonesiphiwo lesimangalisako sekufundzisa bantfwana kusukela babancane kuyofika eminyakeni lesihlanu. Bekabafundzisa kubhala kanye nokwenta tinkondlo.

If you are interested to make bookings, you are more welcome to complete our booking calendar with all your details. We are looking forward to hearing from you to host your event.